Software Engineering


Programming Languages

Python, JavaScript, bash, Java, Groovy


Unix, Linux


Test automation, Elastic Search, Agile (Kanban and Sprint), Docker, Jenkins, Git, vim, emacs, Jupyter, Spark, Hadoop


Architecture design, full stack development, UX, SRE, scalability and performance tuning for distributed systems.

Cloud technologies

AWS technologies: EC2 (IaaS), CloudWatch (monitoring), Route53 (DNS), S3 (storage), RDS (DBMS), EMR (auto-scaling), Lambda (serverless architecture), API Gateway, SQS (queues)

Web technologies

React, Nginx, Apache, Vert.x, Flask, NodeJS, Express

Work Experience

Ochre, UK

Tech team
Full-stack Engineer

April 2021 - Present

Currently working here!


News Labs team
Mid-weight & Senior Software Engineer

March 2019 - April 2021

    The News Labs team is an award-winning innovation team that focuses on journalistic innovation with technology.
    Developed Digital Paper Edit, a prototype that is an OSS, built with React, Developed Secure-Contact, a prototype built with React, Gatsby and AWS that provides an entry point for whistleblowers and informs journalists about secure online communication.
    Lead architectural design and infrastructural development for Digital Paper Edit, a prototype built on React to help editorial staff by digitising the process of rough cut editing. Proposed new ideas for prototypes to improve workflow for editorial staff. Worked closely with editorial and other teams within the BBC.
    Challenged status quo and provided feedback to improve team member's happiness, software engineering skills and communication skills. Mentored junior staff through discussions, pairing, and code reviews. Lead knowledge sharing sessions and presentations and talks to improve software engineering workflows and transparency. Organised structure of hack events for NewsHacks. Co-authored a blog post about misinformation in social media in India.


SUMMA team
Software Engineer

June 2018 - March 2019

    SUMMA (Scalable Understanding of Multilingual Multimedia) is a three year project that explores bleeding edge technology in stream-based media. Completed full software development cycles, overseeing projects from ideation to handover.
    Lead architectural design and technology selection discussions. Developed three fully documented prototypes within nine months. Wrote clear and concise technical reports and documentation for investigations and features. Deconstructed monolithic Docker swarms that had little documentation to develop RESTful APIs. Worked with external UX teams to design the UI of a prototype, and gathered technical and non-technical requirements from users using UX methods. Worked collaboratively with project partners; researchers and journalists. Introduced team to software engineering practices for scalability and resilience.
    Acted as a SUMMA ambassador in outreach activities; authored a blog post on one of the prototypes, acted as an ambassador for SUMMA in BBC Blue Room AI, and organised scheduling of a hackathon in Germany for the project.


Media Distribution team
Junior & Software Engineer

September 2015 - June 2018

    The Media Distribution team handles development and expansion of the BBC Internet Distribution Infrastructure (BIDI). BIDI is the BBC's content distribution network. It serves more than 9 million iPlayer requests daily.
    Experienced in scaled production systems. Discussed and researched industry standards; such as IETF's RFC documents to migrate services to HTTPS securing critical internal systems and produce high-quality production code. Developed and migrated an on-premise service to a distributed Cloud production service. Achieving near 100% availability from as low as 93%.
    Created robust and well-tested code with TDD and QA: thorough testing conducted at every step of deployment, from checking-in code using SCCS, testing through CI and deployment to production. Conducted load-testing by profiling Video-on-Demand requests to analyse SSD performance, concluding with the best profile for production hardware. Conducted behavioural analysis of Simulcast. Applied knowledge to design caching mechanisms for the prototype.
    Responsible for delivering monthly availability data to provide insight into a core product to external teams.
    Active in outreach activities; member of BBC Diversity and Inclusivity, and BBC Women in STEM.

Wall Street Docs, UK

Intern Software Engineer

August 2015 - October 2015

Created and maintained Japanese and English templates for PHP documents to be used with the system in place.

Freelance, UK and Japan

Animator and Illustrator

October 2012 - March 2014

Created and maintained Japanese and English templates for PHP documents to be used with the system in place.

Achievements / Workshops


SRCCON, USA - July 2019
Facilitating a session on difficult conversations and cultural change in a team.

Guest lecturer

University College London, UK - February 2017, January 2018
Invited as a guest lecture in an MSc Project Management.


TextAV, USA - July 2017
Participated to develop TransProvenance to tackle fake news by automating the identification of video news sources.


MSc Computer Science - 2.1

University College London, UK - September 2014 - September 2015
Built a Cloud platform for the BBC MicroBit with Microsoft for the final project. The service aimed to be scalable to cater for all UK students who wanted to learn program MicroBit.

BFA Fine Art - 2.1

University College London, UK - September 2011 - June 2014
Self-taught programming on Arduino through online material and students from Computer Science. For the final degree show, put in place a program to orchestrate arm movement in many groups of servo motors.


Native in Japanese and English