Notes on external tools that are often used


Puppet is an automation tool for servers and has manifests (configuration) that can be easily replicated to child servers

Temporarily Disable Puppet

This is can be done by an admin disabled of Puppet

puppet agent --disable "Reason why disabled"

To make sure it’s disabled, do a Puppet run

puppet agent -t

_Notice_: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'Testing some new things');

To enable:

puppet agent --enable


set up the network - using interface/etc

install guest additions etc. (How to mount an ISO file? - Ask Ubuntu)

sudo mount -t vboxsf workspace ~/workspace -o uid=1000,gid=999

to rc.local (Why can’t I access a shared folder from within my Virtualbox machine? - Ask Ubuntu)

resources - frontend

everything else - app

artisan make:x - makes files for artisan